Friday, July 12, 2013

Morrow Bay to San Francisco

According to the Log book we left Morrow bay, after fueling up, at 1:30pm. The trip from Morrow Bay to Monterey itself is a like a faded dream. It was not quite the longest leg of our journey north, but it felt like a millennium to me and poor James. It started out foggy (of course) which got incredibly dense as the hours wore on. On occasion it was so bad we couldn't see the bowsprit. I know I took a lot of dramamine, and ginger pills, and wore funny bracelets on my wrists, but nothing helped. I was completely incapacitated. I just lay on the galley berth watching James who was desperately trying to stay awake. We had a Jack line attached to his life vest with one end and the other clipped around a cleat so if he did fall asleep the jerking motion would wake him. We arrived in Monterey around 9:30 am on the 23rd. 

These are the only photo's taken.

he slept while I read and waited for his son Chad to show up.

absolutely nothing could wake him up
So Chad came to the rescue on September 23 and helped James with the last leg of the journey while I drove Chad's car back to the marina. 

They left Monterey at 2pm. Chad was a little seasick for the first few hours but pulled thru and took over for James. They arrived at the Berkeley Marina at about 10:30am September 24th. THE END. 

Just kidding. If you know us, you know it's just the beginning.

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