Bad Bloggers Update Part 1:
We have been very busy since the last time we posted. Sometimes, it's hard to disengage from life long enough to post about life. It may take some time to get ya'll caught up, but we'll try to be brief.
In December 2017 James made a trip to California for his youngest sons wedding.
We ended 2017 and began 2018 in a little house we rented in Guaymas, Mexico. Nothing fancy but $70 a month was lovely.
Then we bought a little car. Good price, still running strong!
We arrived in the US on February 9th. Stayed a few nights with Dominga's BFF in Arizona and then......

After a few weeks of working with my dad, James decided to take on another delivery. I encouraged him because it was an incredible opportunity to journey places he'd never been. And I love him. He left Texas on March 8th and flew to La Paz Mexico. He would be stuck there several weeks before finally getting the boat and crew ready, they left La Paz April 7th.
S/V Anytime
James, and crew member Mark on the left, Owner Daryl and crew member Mick on the right.
And while James was sailing across the Pacific Ocean, our nephew Brendan and I were tilling soil, building fences and planting a garden.
We are adventurous, so Brendan and I also took a trip to the Sonora Caverns
an amazing hike thru incredible underground caverns.
And then the trip to the Riverwalk in San Angelo
Before Brendan went back to Washington state we had some great days at the river, and some lovely family time with cousins.
After Brendan left and while James was still somewhere between Mexico and Tahiti, I took a week-long trip to Galveston to visit my cousin from Washington state who had brought her kids for a vacation. Beaches, food, rides, and family. The perfect distraction when I was missing James so much.
Dinner at Bubba Gumps on Galveston's Pleasure Peir
Must have photo of toes in the gulf of Mexico.

As it happened, my brother, sister and their families were in Galveston for a graduation, so Texas family met Washington family on a beach in Galveston!
We know, it all sounds so really couldn't get better, could it?
While galavanting around Texas, I was also working hard at securing my travel documents and finding the perfect pet sitter. On may 15th I too got to cross the equator, but my crossing was a bit more comfortable than James'.
My crossing. I learned to say "cheers" in Tahitian and sipped champagne. Manuia!
James and crew's crossing looked a little bit more like this. The video can be seen on YouTube. > Shellback Video <
Exhausted from traveling but very happy to be with this man.
James had sailed thousands of miles from Mexico to the Marqueses, on to Tahiti where I met him. I'm going to back up a bit as I don't want anyone to miss some of the amazing pictures he got while stopped over at Nuka Hiva.
They arrived in Nuku Hiva on election day, parades, music food, and friends from Mexico?
Christian and Norma left La Paz on their trimaran Manakai. They fell in love with the Marqueses and have been exploring for some time. It really is a small world when you're sailing.
Much deserved refreshments and a cool swim on a humid night.
The people of Nuku Hiva take cleanliness very seriously. To litter is to offend the gods.
Vibrant green trails, and trees a man just cannot resist climbing.
Here are the YouTube links to a few videos James took.
Chiefs Compound, Nuku Hiva
Election Day, Nuku Hiva
Dolphins, Nuku Hiva
Tiki Turiva monument in Nuku Hiva
This was what he was doing while I was arranging flights and our wonderful pet sitter.
Then we were both in Tahiti. And as I said before, when you're sailing the world seems smaller. Again we met friends from our days of sailing in Mexico. With their help, we managed to taste an incredible amount of Tahiti in only 5 days.
We spent a night out, eating, drinking and dancing.
Dinner with friends, old and new.
The Crew from Mexico to Tahiti. James, Mark and Mick with owner Daryl.
Be a Pineapple. Stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside.
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